Greetings dear beloved Brethren; Drums of war and winds of Carnage are sweeping the lands of destiny.

Its being a while dear brethren and there is much to say, much to write about; 

Greetings beloved of GOD, remnant of the Philadelphian Era of GOD’s Church;  Perils, abominations  and woes af pre-tribulation days are all around us, they are here brethren! We were Warned! God warned us to watch and not be caught unawares, Wars, rummers of war, abominations, disease outbreaks soon to occur, death, misery and destruction are already taking place. The world is on the precipice of read more

Categorized as World News

Greetings dear beloved Brethren; Drums of war and winds of Carnage have arrived.

To God’s people of the Philadelphian era, post WWCOG.

Greetings dear beloved remnant Brethren of the Philadelphian Church of God; Beginning of perils expected have arrived! Warned we were!

God has not forgotten His chosen called out people, the bride of Christ in whom dwells the Holy Spirit of GOD, in these unfolding days of the coming last days. So I remind you all about taking sever precautions due to current global events unfolding around the world, as winds of war and carnage have arrived read more

Greetings and Warning Brethren

Dear brethren of God’s Elect, who are alert and under Warning. To the dispersion of the Philadelphians, and to all of God’s people; Grace, love and peace from GOD, our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ; God protect His people!

Are you watching brethren? Manasseh, Ephraim, whole of Europe and the ME, the game is a foot. Are we prepared dear brethren? We may not know exactly what’s coming around the corner, but we do know what is coming down the main road on the home stretch. The world read more


Greetings Dear beloved Brethren of our Lord ; Warning!

Grace, peace and love from GOD, our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

First of brethren, may you all have a very meaningful and deep PO, NTBMO and DOUB season, as the times we are living in are dark and evil as our warfare against the dark powers in high places intensifies.

Urgent Warning to the dispersion of the Philadelphians, and to all of God’s people;  

Dear beloved of GOD, who are scattered to the four winds, Philadelphians and Laodiceans alike, greetings and a warm brotherly hello to all. read more

Season Greetings Brethren, Beloved of The Faithful God

To the dispersion of the Philadelphians; Grace, peace and love from GOD our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. 
Update 01/10/2022

Greetings Dear beloved of GOD, scattered abroad to the four winds due to a lack of Apostleship, yet Christ our Lord is ever with His Bride, working to prepare Her for what is coming and His return. Hope all have a truly profitable Atonement and FOT just days away. This is just a short greetings brethren as the world has taken on a new heightened dimension on read more